Thursday, September 15, 2011

Confused & dinner tastic!

Day 3

Phase: Attack
Weight Loss: -500kgs

Now here is the thing about weighing yourself everyday it just makes you obsessed, I weighed myself in the morning and again in the evening there was a difference of 500grams less (thank god) because this morning I weighed 100grams more than yesterday!!! confused yet ? hmm yeah me too.
Anyway I think I might weigh in every second day on a morning I will still post daily menu as I am really enjoying cooking again, this diets has brought back my love for cooking again, its the challenge that I like, I will not just grill or roast boring plain food simple because I wouldn’t last a day on the diet, so I really put in a lot of time and thought into each meal.

Food Diary: 

Breakfast: Cinnamon Pancake

Lunch:       Chicken breast with spices (Tandoori powdwe, chilli powder, Garam masala) cooked on George foreman.
Starter:      None
Main:         Spicy Meatballs (omg amazing! recipie below)
Snacks:     0% Yogurts
Exercise:  20mins on the wii fit.

Spicy Meatballs

500g Lean beef 
Sun dried chilli
Pinch salt
1 egg
Mix this all together them make meatballs, brown in pan.

2 Gloves of garlic
1/4 onion
2 small Chillis 
A wee bit Paprika
Tomato sauce
Tsp sweetener
Fry garlic, onion and chillis till onions soft add paprika, add tomato sauce and sweetener. Place the meatballs in sauce and cook for 10 - 15 mins with lid on pot. 

I highly recommend this dish it really tastes naughty but its not!!


  1. They are great! also I need to upload my veggie lasagna recipe which has no pasta! how you ask.... all in my next post!
